Dayton Hamvention May 19th and 20th, 2006

This is a selection of some of the pictures of this years activities of the 3885 AM "World War Two" and the 51.0 FM "Cold War" military radio nets on Saturday at the Dayton Hamvention. will also include a little commentary with the pictures.

3885 Kc AM Net, Twelve Hundred Hours Local

As always Joe Munson WA4VAG served as net control for the AM net.

This year he operated a Chinese type 102E HF Radio set for net control. Their was a total of twenty eight stations who checked in, with the highlight of the net being KA8TUR operating a Japanese 94-5 Receiver Transmitter with crank generator


At least a year was spent in gathering all the parts and getting everything ready for operation

And its operation did tend to draw a crowd. Also in a strange reversal of roles we had JA3FTU working the hand crank generator for a time with a American operating the radio.

KB9PZC operated his SCR-511 "Pogo Stick" along with being dressed in period uniform.

In addition to this their was at least a dozen BC-611 radios in use along with KB8LEG  French copy of a GRC-9 or as its data plate that reads GRC-9fr

The French version of a T-17


3885 Group With Radios after the Net




51.0 FM Net, Fourteen Hundred Hours Local


John, K9WT served as net control for this years "Cold War Net"

Their were thirty two stations checking in, with the oldest radio being Marty's AA4RM BC-1000 that worked perfectly this year to the newest radios being a couple PRC-138 transceivers.


Lots of PRC-6, 10, 25 and 77 were heard. along with a couple SEM-35 and my Russian R-107


51.0 Group With Radios after the Net



A couple other pictures I wanted to put in




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May 06