MRCA 2010 Pictures

No commentary this year, just some random pictures.

This years net control station

Saturday Morning

The Joys of VHF Mobile with Robs ARC-1, and as always no shortage of ideas on how to fix it or what's wrong!

Couple people complained last year when I showed pictures of breakfast, so here is what we had Saturday!


Inside Displays

The Saturday afternoon "Show And Tell" , always a popular part of the event.


Their were over a dozen people who brought out equipment with around fifty to sixty radios on display. More newer equipment this year and all the displays were excellent.


Outside exhibit "Red Ball" area

Sorry for the lack of details or close up pictures this year, was lucky to attend at all with all that's going on this last year but do have to say that at least in my opinion I feel the MRCA event continues to grow along with the Red Ball show and feel they are both first class events and have been showing improvement every year.

And have to work in one last picture of my daughter and fun with a fifty cal.


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Sep 10