MRCA\ Gilbert  Red Ball 2014 Pictures

Can think of no better venue for this show then the fair grounds in Gilbert PA

The MRCA people had there usual excellent setup in the Howell building.

Everyone paying attention to Saturdays presentations

My truck located on the wrong side of the building because when I got there all the god parking spaces were taken

And a couple pictures of Fridays field exercise, my station and setup at the boat ramp at Belts view

The MRCA Net Control station about a mile away over at the swimming pavilion

Due to huge amounts of local interference on sixty meters Net operations were transferred here

The PRC-47 did a great job with everyone hearing it and being heard by all stations. This is just one of the three PRC-47 that took part in operations on Friday

along with other equipment used for 3885, 51.0 and a lot of 144.250 activity this year


Back at Gilbert the vehicle show taking place

With judging and categories for all types and classes. Maybe next year MRCA can have a display or possibly a category up front too?

Back on the Fair Grounds I found something that I just had to have

Too bad it was $6,500.00 its something that would have no end to uses around the house

Thanks to MRCA and Red Ball  for making this all possible. Already looking forward to next year!



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Sep 14