Project of the week thing never worked out, did not update enough and all that sort of stuff so lets make this the new:


 M151A1 Mutt page

Or The self propelled AN/GRC-106 

The Mutt up at MRCA in Gilbert PA, operating 51.0 FM with the low band Log Periodic.

Interior of the Mutt showing the VRC-12 on the passenger side and the AN/GRC-106  on the drivers side, there is also a AN/URC-110 for VHF/UHF on the floor

Close up of the AN/GRC-106 before I put the top on and a side shot showing the antennas and VRC-12

This was when I bought it, the perfect accessory for the "green" radio. At that time did not imagine after hundreds of hours of work on both the Mutt and the radios that I would be this into field radios, but have found its great fun operating and working all this stuff from the field.


The M151 during the combined Able Archer 83 and Moose &Squirrel event in November 2016, the Log Periodic is for a VHF channel back to W3A base.


The AN/PRC-108 was used as a monitor and calling radio for 60 meters

Was operating at Port Clinton up in PA, best thing about that location is its right next to a Cabalas and a Cigar World.


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