you think BOY
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Where we are this week: Check out 39 WEEKS as of 02/19/05
Week 39: Your baby is about 21.5 inches long from head to toe and weighs a little more than 7 pounds. Toenails and fingernails have grown to tips of toes and fingers. Muscles of your baby's arms and legs are strong, and he's practicing lung movements. Baby's head has dropped into the mother's pelvis if he's head-down, which allows you to breathe a little easier. You're probably feeling quite large and uncomfortable. Your uterus has filled your pelvis and most of your abdomen, pushing everything else out of the way. Your center of gravity has shifted, so you may be clumsier than usual.
!!!Next Doctor's Visit on
February 22nd!!
We are 2 centimeters dilated and 90% effaced
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June 20th (5 wks) September 12th (16 weeks)
September 26th (18 weeks)
October 25th (22 Weeks)
Char & Kelly 25 Weeks Our Bare
<<<<<30 Weeks>>>>>
3 Pregnant Families
Yes we are both due on 2-26-05...(Char on Left,
Kel on Right)
Me and Mom
<<37 Weeks 2/5/05>>
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