MRCA 2009 Pictures


Ok, usually Mr. Smith takes all the pictures and produces a excellent web page profiling the events at MRCA, but this year he had to work and was unable to attend.

I do not profess to produce the same level of document that he has in the past but I did throw a couple pictures together of this years event.

Saturday Morning

Couple pictures of the display area, for me one of the big highlights was the Saturday morning was breakfast!


Bacon, eggs and potatoes! All cooked to order in the display area. I am use to people displaying all the wonderful and rare radios from their collections but have to admit that the breakfast was the hit of the show for me.


Inside Displays



Their were around a dozen people who brought out equipment with around fifty to sixty radios on display. Everything on display was working and people were encouraged to interact with the equipment on display. The displays are not that formal but are a great opportunity to see and work with this equipment.


Outside exhibit area


The parking lot next to the building for items too large to fit in the building and also the sale area. you can not see the sale area but anyone selling is around the outside of the building. couple of sale highlights, I bought a very clean unmodified BC-342N with shock mount for $125.00 saw a complete unmodified with dynamotor and rack ARB receiver sell for $85, one of those ugly Navy DAE systems complete with the loop antenna for $250.00 and the usual VRC-12 junk at the $225.00 for clean systems and tons of their accessories. Their was also a lot of ARC-5 junk sets that were bought starting around $20 and beat part sets selling for $3 to $5 each.


Field Exercise

I was not their for the big NVIS party on Friday, apparently their were three groups that set up on different sides of the mountain and worked NVIS back to the base station. On Saturday we set up back pack systems and did SSB, AM and VHF AM back to the base from close in locations a mile or two away.






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Sep 09